I think it's simply a matter of changing your way of thinking. In a "traditional", 9 to 5 job, you're very structured and you might feel "safe" because you know you have the paycheck coming every Friday. You also know the amount of your paycheck.
With AVON, it's a little different and I, for one, embrace those differences. Here's my top 3:
1. I have absolute flexibility but I also know that if I choose to take time away from my business, then I am not earning. All the same, I can squeeze time in anywhere to work this business. With all the new tools at our disposal, that is getting even more convenient!
2. AVON is a relationship business. I enjoy the many friendships I've built over the years both with customers and with other AVON Representatives. I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky, positive person and people like to be around me and enjoy working with me. Yet even I have had those difficult employment situations where I've been stuck in an office with a boss and/or co-workers day in and day out and couldn't stand my job. I'd dread getting up in the morning and more. I've been there and I'm sure you have too! Not anymore! The choice with who I want to work with is mine....all mine!
3. I love, love, love, being recognized for my achievements as an AVON Representative. The funny thing is that I had no idea that this would be so important to me until it started happening. This benefit alone has done more for my self esteem and confidence level than any amount of therapy after my first failed marriage. Having always been involved in the arts and not sports, I had no idea that I was as competitive a person as I am until AVON. It has helped me with goal setting and making the plan to achieve those goals and so much more. I guess that $10 investment I made nine years ago has paid off in more ways than just earnings. If I'd known about it earlier on, it probably could have saved me hundreds in therapy bills!
I'm not saying that AVON is for everyone and I guess it just depends on what you want to do with your AVON Business. I do know, though, that if you want to earn a sustainable income, you have to treat it as the business and work it as a business. I don't know any small business owners that sit with their hands out, waiting for success to come to them. They are always the hardest working people I know.
If you'd like more information about becoming an Independent AVON Representative like me, please feel free to visit My Website. If you're ready to get started right now or don't live in my area, online sign-up is available. Just go to http://start.youravon.com and use Reference Code: sharischneider.
As a Representative, you'll receive a discount on products and have the opportunity to earn money on everything that you sell.
Interested in being served as a customer? If you live outside my personal delivery range, you can still order AVON products and have them shipped directly to your door. Simply visit My Website.
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